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Marshfield Massachusetts Permatour


I arrived at the Permatour in Marshfield Massachusetts. We planned to build a log cabin that would eventually be turned into a sauna, and do general gardening around the house. I was the first person to arrive and was introduced to Rob, who was one of our hosts. He took me on a quick tour of the land; they had a huge beautiful house with an in-ground swimming pool, an outdoor shower, a large beautiful barn we could sleep in, and acres of land that we had access to. We definitely were not roughing it. As More people started arriving we took a little bit of time to prepare the pool and the land before taking the evening off to get to know each other as we settled in.

As it became time to settle in, I relaxed by the pool with Mikey and Jake. We all chatted, getting to know each other and how we came upon this journey. As we were sitting there Mikey had his music playing in the background, and we decided it was the perfect time to dance. As we danced by the pool, Mikey asked if I knew contact dancing. I had recently learned about contact dancing, but I was not able to find my flow with it. Dancing by myself was fine, in unison with others was a struggle for me. As we were dancing, Mikey started to teach me, and at first I was all off, I could not find the rhythm. That’s when I made myself stop hearing the music and actually feel it instead. I felt the sound surround me and carry my body along with the tune. Once I could finally feel it, I just let my body flow along with the music and in minutes I had it down. While we were dancing Jake was doing yoga by the pool, we eventually joined him, and followed into some breath work after. We continued to relax into the evening. Within a few hours I could already feel myself relaxing into this land and this better state of mind.

As the sun set Rob started a huge fire outback. We all gathered around taking it all in. That’s when Teg showed up. We were quickly introduced and it wasn’t long before he had his fire spinning equipment out. He had a flower stick that he worked amazingly with. We all stood there watching, mesmerized as he danced to the music with the fire swirling all around him.

He then got out a new tool he had just bought, which was a rope dart, and opened up the floor to let any of us try it. I had never spun fire before but had always wanted to. We lit the ball up, I was handed the rope and just went for it. I was twirling all around this field with fire flying around every part of me. I could feel the flames as they came close. It was as if I was wrapped in a blanket of beautiful fire. I felt so free and alive as I twirled. We celebrated into the night as we sang together, played instruments, and enjoyed our new group of friends. Teg also brought out his didgeridoo. I found instant interest in it and he tried to teach me how to play. It was hard for me to even make noise out of it, but eventually I got somewhere. Even though none of us wanted to, we eventually turned into the barn for the night where we gave each other massages before we fell asleep in a cuddle puddle.

Slowly rising the next morning we formed a yoga dance circle. We stretched everything out and started to wake up our minds before the busy day ahead of us. I decided to take a dip in the pool before we started working. Mikey was also taking a dip and asked if I wanted to do a little flow therapy. He had me float on my back as he swirled me around the pool by my hands and feet. It felt as if I were dancing through the water with no effort, as if I were a mermaid. Everything flowed so smoothly around me, washing away everything that had been weighing on my mind.

Once we got to work Rob walked the entire group out to the woods to show us the cabin we would be building. On the way he explained the different trees and plant species around. He showed us different invasive trees they had growing around. The main two were Bittersweet and Multiflora Rose. He explained the process to us in order to remove the thick invasive trees from the forest. We continued across the land as he showed us around. Rob had so much knowledge on so many different subjects. We went over to the area where he showed us the cabin we would be building. He already had the foundation down with a few logs up.

We planned out the project and the group split up. Syd and Dan stayed with Rob to prep the cabin as the rest of us went to work on the lawn and garden. Once in awhile from the garden, we would see Syd come tearing out of the woods on a four wheeler carrying a trailer full of branches, screaming and laughing as she flew around. Her energy was contagious; it radiated off of her as she sped across the land.

After gardening we went outback to help with the cabin. Syd told us there was a surprise and explained that we had scratched the plan for a cabin, and we were going to build a treehouse in a large pine tree instead. The plan was for us to possibly hold an event there in the future and the treehouse could work as a stage for performers. Everyone was delighted. The tree had many dead branches that needed to be trimmed. Myself, Mikey, and Jake all climbed up into the tree. We passed the chainsaw up the row and Jake and Mikey took turns trimming the branches away from the tree.

After a long fun filled day of work, we learned that the ocean was only ten minutes away. It was just what we all needed to cool off! All of us piled into Mikey's mini bus to head to the beach. The entire way there we all sang whatever random songs that came into our heads. We laughed the entire way there.

Upon arrival we all shared a bottle of wine, toasting each other and the beach, before running down towards the ocean. As we drew closer, my excitement grew and grew. As soon as we found a spot, I stripped down to my swimsuit while sprinting towards the water and dove directly in. The cold water hit me, consuming my body, flowing around me, whispering all the while that I was home. We all were playing on the beach as though we were children. We started ecstatic dancing in the sand, flowing to the music and the waves. It was a feeling of pure beauty and fulfillment. I collected multiple beautiful rocks. We even built a sand castle as a group where we collected stones that swirled around the structure.

We played until our stomachs were empty and growling for nourishment. We all piled back into the bus, singing and laughing the entire way back.

Arriving home we settled into the night, we made dinner, and started a fire to wind down. Mikey was playing music by the fire that he had made up himself. It was a beat with no words so Syd was singing along. Mikey asked her if she wanted to use his programming to add her voice over his song. She gladly agreed. I sat there taking it in. Listening to the music change, as they added not only her voice, but also a drum to the beat. It was breathtaking to hear the music through every stage as each part was added.

The next morning we arose to have a cacao ceremony to start the day. Joy prepared the cacao and led the circle. We placed one cup in the middle that would be offered to the tree we were building on afterwards. We sipped the cacao as we went around the circle sharing how we were feeling.

I started to tear up as everyone shared; I could feel pent up feelings being released in that moment. We went into a flow yoga afterwards where we each did whatever we felt our body needed. During this I just started balling. The feelings of release and love of these people was just too much to hold in. As I cried everyone surrounded me, hugging me and one another, telling me I was loved and wanted. I felt even more of a release as I stood in that sea of love. Then it was time to give the tree the offering of the cacao. I led this part of the ceremony, walking down to the tree, and everyone followed me. I asked everyone to join around the tree. We all placed our hands on it sending our love and gratitude while we passed around the cup, each pouring our offering and intention into the tree. It was beautiful and some were even crying afterwards.

Some people jumped straight into work while others moseyed around for a bit letting their bodies wake up more. We spent the day working, with breaks in between for swimming and eating. After working all day we all wanted to see the sunset on the beach. There was a storm rolling in but we didn’t care. We piled into the bus, again singing and laughing the whole way there. We arrived at the ocean just in time. I ran and dove right in as I had before even though the air was cold. We were able to enjoy the beach, watching the lightning in the distance for a very short time before the fiery storm came rolling in, and it rolled in with a bang!

The wind and sand started whipping around us as we all had to grab our belongings, sprinting to the bus for shelter. Luckily we made it just in time. Once we had all entered the bus, the sky opened up like it had been waiting for us to be safe as the rain poured out. Once back home we all took shelter in the barn. We turned up the music and danced to the beat and the sound of the rain on the roof. We celebrated into the night, continuing to dance and howling in excitement.

The rest of my time there was an amazing blur. It almost felt as if us being here was just one long day of enjoyment, we were doing a lot of work but the people we were with made it so fun that it all seemed like play. At one point Nina brought out some kava tea, which is made from the root of a tree and is supposed to help you relax and become more open. We sat in a circle drinking it, sharing our feelings as they came up. At one point Teg shared a very personal song with us that he had written. Listening to his words, it brought up some things I had within me that were unresolved. Tears started streaming down my face as he sang his beautiful song. After he sang Nina shared a poem that she had written earlier in the day. As I was sitting in my feelings in the circle, I was asked if I wanted to share what had come up for me, but I wasn’t quite ready to share my feelings with the whole group. I confided in Teg as we talked down to the fire. We shared our stories together, supporting each other the whole time. Eventually, I needed the connecting and loving energy of the whole group so we walked back up to the barn. As we did, Jake was sitting by the candle singing a song to the fire about burning away anything that doesn’t serve you. It was the perfect release to walk into after having been so open about some of my deepest traumas. We joined Jake in song and sang together into the night.

This Permatour was such a powerful experience for me. Connecting with so many beautiful people, not knowing in the beginning that these people would become like family to me. Everyone was so open and wanting to help each other. We are all fighting our own battles and it was amazing to be in that area and have that support anytime any of us needed it. In this short amount of time we had all grown so much, we grew together and we each grew personally. Some of these people I knew I would see again soon, but there were others whom I didn’t know when I would meet again. Saying goodbye was so hard, leaving that love we had all created, and I knew I left a little piece of myself with every single person I had met there. As I was saying goodbyes, my new friend Nina gave me her arrowhead necklace and told me how I had inspired her. Below is the poem that she wrote and shared with us.

Laying under the apple tree

An Apple fell right next to me

Held in a nest of grass & dandelion

Perhaps to be eatin’

Or made into a cider

The apple sat and sat for days

Nothing happened and the apple started wondering..


“Where do I go next?”

“Nobody wants me?”

“Not even for breakfast?!”

The apple wondered what it did wrong

People walked past as they sang their songs

Until one day ..

It realized the magic of life!

Watching the sunrise became a gift

And the wind felt nice

As the leaves hit the ground the mind settled down

As the birds sang their song a smile formed

And the apple began to form its own song

Poem by Nina Landau, aspiring author, poet, and musician ✨

I have also had a few people show interest in helping me on my adventure. I have attached my PayPal information for anyone who feels called to help support me on this trip. Thank you and love to all until next time.


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