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Catalyst festival


Finally it was time for the Catalyst music festival. We of course had to start the day with a dip in the river, but then quickly went about doing the final touches for the festival. I had the first shift at the ganja and bar, not many people were there during my shift so Tia and I spent most of the time trimming and setting up instead of actually serving people. Travis, one of the newest Permatour volunteers took over after my shift. I was beyond exhausted at that point, and he came in like an angel, getting the place organized and starting the teas as the festival began.

I snuck off to catch a nap before the excitement was in full swing. When I came back things were starting to get going. Everyone was sharing everything they had with one another. I met my neighbor Peter, and he Eric and I shared a mushroom tea. There was music, people and magic all around.

I went over to the crescent stage where the DJ was playing. People were laying on the stage feeling the vibrations through their bodies. I joined the people in the middle of the crescent who were dancing in the color changing lights. After a bit I climbed up on top of the stage with friends. We sat up there, feeling the vibrations race through us as the music played.

The rest of the night I floated. I floated in and out of groups. I floated between different music and different people. I went wherever I felt drawn at the moment. I floated to the fire pit while people spun fire around it. My friend Luna even went and got me butterfly winged cape that attached at my wrists. I danced around the fire as my wings twirled all around me.

My friend Ian called me a fairy. He said he could tell I really was one, and that I would always come snatch him away just like a fairy. I floated down to the Fern Gully stage with the music blasting around me. I closed my eyes and let the music carry my body, letting go of how I looked and just enjoying how I felt. I could only dance at Fern Gully for short periods of time before the pounding of the music in my chest would become too much, and I had to follow the strings of lights through the woods back up to the calmness.

While sitting by the fire at one point I noticed a beautiful crystal ball sitting by the fire unsupervised. I’ve been looking for one and this one seemed to call me. It spoke to me, telling me it had things to show me. I went over, mesmerized, gazing into the ball as it told me stories. I felt as if I had so much work to do with this crystal ball.

My friend Travis pointed out to me who the crystal belonged to. It was a man named Brian. I went over and we talked about the crystal. He told me how he had gotten it from a friend and worked with it often. He had put so much of his energy into the crystal I could feel the magic running through it.

At various times throughout the the night I would go to sit on what I called Star Rock. It was a piece of the land that had been cut away by a giant rock. It created a clearing in the trees that made it the perfect spot to see the entire milky way. It was a soft space close enough to feel the energy of the festival but far enough to be able to fully take in the night with Mother Nature and all her beauty. The stars shined so bright.

The festival was a night of magic, dancing, friends and love. There was not a single soul I met there whom I did not like. Everyone was beautiful in their own way. As the night drew on, I could feel my body grow heavy with the need to sleep. I didn’t want to leave the excitement, but knew it was time. I walked back to my tent, stopping at Star Rock to look at the beautiful bright sky one last time. This time the stars weren’t as bright; they had all dimmed as if the sky had also gone to bed.

The next morning I had the hardest time waking up. I had to get up early to leave the festival to make it to a family reunion. My body screamed to go back to bed but knew I couldn’t. I packed up all my belongings before going for one last dip in crystal lake with some friends. I went back to quickly say goodbye, which ended up being an endeavor that took a few hours. Every time I went to leave I would see another person that I could not leave without saying goodbye to.

When I went to say goodbye to Brian, I said “I’m guessing there’s nothing that would make you part with your crystal ball?” He told me that he couldn’t because it was so special to him. But I could see the wheels in his mind start to turn. He eventually told me that I could borrow the crystal for a time on my trip. I’m always driving around so I knew whenever he wished for it back I could get it to him. My heart raced with excitement. I couldn’t wait to see what else the crystal had to share with me.

Goodbyes were long and hard, but I was sent off with so much love and was gifted with a beautiful poem to carry my through my next adventures. I was sad to go, but I knew I would see most of my friends again in a short time. However there were also so many beautiful souls that I got to meet and who knows when I will see them again. But I think it’s important not to say goodbye but to say: until next time.

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